Protecting your staff & customers
With new social distancing rules in full force, those businesses that are still able to operate, have introduced new measures to keep staff and customers safe. We’ve put together a collection of essential products designed to help support businesses that continue to operate during the COVID-19 crisis.
All of these measures also highlight to customers and staff you’re complying with government guidelines to keep them safe.
See our latest suggestions below.


Roller banners
Roller Banners

Circle Floor Stickers



Outdoor PVC banner
Outdoor PVC banner

Face Masks
Since May 2020, the public have been advised to cover their noses and mouths with a face covering when they are unable to keep 2 metres away from other people, such as on public transport or in some shops.
These face masks are printed with your design – a great way to generate brand awareness whilst adhering to current safety advice.

Hand Sanitiser
Hand Sanitiser

Free-standing sanitiser stations
- Solid metal construction
- Made in the UK
- Automatic hands-free dispensing system
- Locked, refillable battery operated 1ltr dispenser
- Can be personalised with YOUR brand
- Hands-free – reduces cross-contamination risks
- Free-standing – easily positioned where you need it
- No drilling or fixing needed
- Auto-dispenser reduces wastage/over consumption – saving you money

Cone Signs
Cone Signs

Free-standing Sign Posts
Use in busy spaces like shops, pharmacies and factories where important safety messages need to be reinforced at ground level.

A-Boards / Pavement Signs
A-Boards / Pavement Signs

Foamex Signs
They come in standard sizes (A3, A2 etc) or bespokely depending if you need them for a specific area.

Outdoor Flags
Outdoor Flags

Suspended Sneeze Guards

Sneeze Guard
Sneeze Guard